Frame Drum Stand

Sale price$199.00


Playing the bendir is an essential part of traditional Turkish music, and having the right equipment is crucial to excel in this art. This is where the bendir stand comes into play. Specifically designed to be compatible with all types of bendirs, this stand offers musicians a unique experience.

Crafted from durable materials, this bendir stand ensures longevity and reliable use. The adjustable height feature accommodates various instrument sizes and the player's preferred playing positions. This flexibility provides freedom for bendir players of all levels to meet their specific needs.

Furthermore, the anti-slip pads on the feet of the bendir stand ensure the instrument stays stable. This feature guarantees reliability and comfort when playing on stage or in the studio.

Playing a significant role in bendir performance, this stand is an ideal solution for both professional musicians and beginners. To enhance SEO compatibility, we have incorporated relevant keywords into the content, making it easier for music enthusiasts to find this stand and discover a suitable solution for their needs.

  • Compatible with every bendir.
  • Crafted from durable materials.
  • Height is adjustable.
  • Anti-slip pads are present on the feet.

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