If you're looking to purchase a Oud instrument, you can acquire this musical instrument from various sources. The common places to buy a ud are as follows: music stores, instrument workshops, online sales platforms, and the workshops of ud makers themselves.


Music stores are one of the easiest points of access to buy a ud. In your local music stores, you can find ud models that suit your needs (student/professional, budget-friendly/expensive). Instrument workshops and ud makers' studios are places where various ud models are produced, ranging from mass production to custom design. You can obtain a ud of your desired level from these places. In recent times, one of the popular methods for buying a ud is through online sales platforms. Online sales sites offer a wide range of products, from different brands to ud models for all levels, with long or short neck options.


Before buying a ud, consider your budget, expectations, and playing needs. Additionally, it's important to choose reliable sources that you trust and that can provide you with a suitable instrument.