One of the crucial elements determining the playability of the ud instrument is its keyboard. The keyboard is a critical part where notes are located, ensuring smooth execution of the play. When exploring different types of uds, distinctions between short and long-keyboarded ud models become evident.


Short-keyboarded uds refer to models that extend from the upper part to where the neck region ends, while long-keyboarded uds encompass models with keyboards extending up to the large pegbox. Keyboards are typically crafted from ebony and rosewood. These woods, known for their hard structure, prevent wear on the keyboard and are often preferred for play. Additionally, they contribute positively to performance by minimizing tuning changes in fluctuating weather conditions.


The question of whether to choose a short or long keyboard ud depends on the player's preferences and playing style. Generally, short keyboards are preferred for student uds, but this is not a strict rule. Many renowned ud players also favor short-necked uds. Ultimately, the choice of keyboard depends on personal playing comfort and needs, making it essential to avoid generalizations.